WeSlide-New Flutter package for slide transition like spotify (iOS)

The inspiration behind the package was actually a need for a slide transition like spotify (iOS) Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any efficient package, so I literally banged my fist on the table, rolled up my sleeves and created my own solution. Through this package I could better understand some principles of flutter animation 🙂

Music AppStore App


Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  we_slide: ^2.4.0

Basic Example


import 'package:we_slide/we_slide.dart';

final _colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final double _panelMinSize = 70.0;
final double _panelMaxSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 2;
return Scaffold(
  backgroundColor: Colors.black,
  body: WeSlide(
    panelMinSize: _panelMinSize,
    panelMaxSize: _panelMaxSize,
    body: Container(
      color: _colorScheme.background,
      child: Center(child: Text("This is the body 💪")),
    panel: Container(
      color: _colorScheme.primary,
      child: Center(child: Text("This is the panel 😊")),
    panelHeader: Container(
      height: _panelMinSize,
      color: _colorScheme.secondary,
      child: Center(child: Text("Slide to Up ☝️")),

Others Examples

Change propertie home to MusicApp() or StoreApp inside main.dart to see more examples 😊

Custom properties

There are many options that you can change:

PropertiesTypeDescriptionfooterwidgetThis is the widget that will be below as a footer, this can be used as a BottomNavigationBarappbarwidgetThis is the widget that will be on top as a AppBar, this can be used as a AppBarbodywidgetThis is the widget that will be hided with Panel. You can fit any widget. This parameter is requiredpanelwidgetThis is the widget that will slide over the Body. You can fit any widget.panelHeaderwidgetThis is the header that will be over the Panel. You can fit any widget.panelMinSizedoubleThis is the initial value that set the panel min height. If the value is greater than 0, panel will be this size over body. By default is 150.0. Set 0.0 if you want to hide PanelpanelMaxSizedoubleThis is the value that set the panel max height. When slide up the panel, this value define the max height that panel will be over Body. By default is 400.0 if you want that panel cover the whole Body, set with MediaQuery.of(context).size.heightpanelWidthdoubleThis is the value that set the panel width, by default is MediaQuery.of(context).size.widthpanelBorderRadiusBegindoubleSet this value to create a border radius over panel. When panelBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from panelBorderRadiusEnd and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over panel. By default is 0.0panelBorderRadiusEnddoubleSet this value to create a border radius over panel. When panelBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from panelBorderRadiusEnd and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over panel. By default is 0.0bodyBorderRadiusBegindoubleSet this value to create a border radius over body. When bodyBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from bodyBorderRadiusEnd and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over body. By default is 0.0bodyBorderRadiusEnddoubleSet this value to create a border radius over body. When bodyBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from bodyBorderRadiusEnd and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over body. By default is 0.0bodyWidthdoubleThis is the value that set the body width. By default is MediaQuery.of(context).size.widthparallaxOffsetdoubleSet this value to create a parallax effect when the panel is slide up. By default is 0.1footerHeightdoubleThis is the value that set the footer height. by default is 60.0appBarHeightdoubleThis is the value that set the appbar height. by default is 80.0overlayOpacitydoubleThis is the value that defines opacity overlay effect bethen body and panel.blurSigmadoubleThis is the value that creates an image filter that applies a Gaussian blur.transformScaleBegindoubleThis is the value that defines transform scale begin effect. By default is 1.0transformScaleEnddoubleThis is the value that defines transform scale end effect. By default is 0.9overlayColorcolorThis is the value that defines overlay color effect. By default is Colors.blackblurColorcolorThis is the value that defines blur color effect. By default is Colors.blackbackgroundColorcolorThis is the value that defines background color. By default is Colors.black end should be the same as bodyhideFooterboolThis is the value that defines if you want to hide the footer. By default is truehidePanelHeaderboolThis is the value that defines if you want to hide the panelHeader. By default is trueparallaxboolThis is the value that defines if you want to enable paralax effect. By default is falsetransformScaleboolThis is the value that defines if you want to enable transform scale effect. By default is falseoverlayboolThis is the value that defines if you want to enable overlay effect. By default is falseblurboolThis is the value that defines if you want to enable Gaussian blur effect. By default is falseanimateDurationboolThis is the value that sets the duration of the animation. By default is 300 millisecondsisDismissibleboolThis parameter specifies whether the panelwill be dismissed when user taps on the screencontrollerWeSlideControllerThis object used to control animations, using methods like hide or show to display panel and footer or check if is visible with variable isOpenedfadeSequenceList<TweenSequenceItem<double>>This is the value that create a fade transition over panel headerisUpSlideboolThis is the value that need up sliding panel if you want to enable Slide up through panel. By default is true


If you want to be kind to me, then consider buying me a beer.


Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


MIT License


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