A custom React hook that helps in generating a pagination range based on the provided options

usePagination Hook

The usePagination hook is a custom React hook that helps in generating a pagination range based on the provided options. It takes the following parameters:

interface PaginationOptions {
  totalCount: number;
  pageSize: number;
  siblingCount?: number;
  currentPage: number;
  • totalCount: The total number of items to be paginated.
  • pageSize: The number of items per page.
  • siblingCount (optional): The number of siblings to display on each side of the current page. Defaults to 1.
  • currentPage: The current page number.

The usePagination hook returns a pagination range array, which consists of either page numbers or “DOTS” placeholders. The generated pagination range is suitable for rendering pagination links or buttons.

import { usePagination } from "@src/hooks";

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const paginationRange = usePagination({
    totalCount: 100,
    pageSize: 10,
    siblingCount: 1,
    currentPage: 3,

  return (
      {paginationRange.map((pageNumber, index) => (
        <span key={index}>{pageNumber}</span>

In the above example, paginationRange will contain an array representing the pagination links based on the provided options.

Pagination Component

The Pagination component is a reusable React component that utilizes the usePagination hook to render a pagination UI. It provides a set of navigation controls and displays the pagination range.


interface Props {
  onPageChange: (page: number) => void;
  totalCount: number;
  siblingCount?: number;
  currentPage: number;
  pageSize: number;
  className?: string;
  • onPageChange: A callback function that is invoked when a page is selected. It receives the selected page number as a parameter.
  • totalCount: The total number of items to be paginated.
  • siblingCount (optional): The number of siblings to display on each side of the current page. Defaults to 1.
  • currentPage: The current page number.
  • pageSize: The number of items per page.
  • className (optional): Additional CSS classes to be applied to the component.

Example usage:

import Pagination from "@src/components/Pagination";

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const handlePageChange = (page: number) => {
    // Perform logic to update the current page

  return (

In the above example, the Pagination component will render pagination links based on the provided props. When a page is selected, the handlePageChange callback will be triggered, allowing you to update the current page state.

Note: The Pagination component relies on the usePagination hook to generate the pagination range. Make sure to import the usePagination hook and provide it as a dependency in your project.


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