Next AI News: Full-Stack Replica of Hacker News with Next.js and AI-Generated Content

Next AI News is a full-stack replica of Hacker News (HN) that incorporates Next.js and AI-generated content. The project follows various design principles and utilizes a range of technologies for its implementation.

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  1. Technology Stack:
  • Uses Next.js 14 with App Router and RSC on the Node.js runtime.
  • All pages are server-rendered and dynamic, with no data caching.
  • Mutations are performed via Server Actions.
  • Streaming is utilized to maximize speed and concurrency.
  1. Package Management:
  • Utilizes pnpm for package management.
  1. Data Layer:
  • Employs Drizzle ORM and Zod as the data layer.
  1. Authentication:
  • Uses Auth.js's Next-Auth for password authentication.
  1. UI Generation and Styling:
  • Initial UIs are generated with Tailwind, Shadcn UI, and Radix UI.
  1. Rust Compiler:
  • Developed and tested with the new Next.js --turbo Rust compiler.
  1. Search Highlights:
  • Implements react-highlight-words for search highlights.
  1. PPR (Partial-Page Rendering):
  • Uses PPR (experimental) to precompute the shells of pages, serving them statically from the edge for faster TTFB and optimized CSS/fonts.
  1. Deployment:
  • Deployed serverlessly on Vercel's Edge Network.
  • Utilizes Cron Jobs for AI generation.
  • Serverless Functions (Node.js) for SSR.
  • KV (Upstash) for rate-limiting.
  • Postgres (Neon) for core storage and search with pg_trgm.

This project showcases a comprehensive and modern tech stack, emphasizing serverless deployment and AI integration for content generation. It leverages various tools and optimizations for enhanced performance and user experience.



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