Unded: Meticulously Crafted Next.js Template for Creative Agencies and Portfolios


Unded, a meticulously crafted Creative Agency & Portfolio Next.js Template that transcends the ordinary. Tailored for creative minds, digital agencies, and artists, Unded sets the stage for an exceptional online presence.

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Unded boasts a clean and professional design, setting the perfect backdrop for showcasing your creative works. The layout is thoughtfully crafted, ensuring a modern and aesthetically pleasing presentation.

Built with React Next and Sass, powered by Bootstrap 5, Unded guarantees a fully responsive experience across all devices. Your portfolio will shine whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Adhering to W3C standards, Unded ensures impeccable markup validation. This commitment to excellence translates into a seamless browsing experience for your audience.


Enhancing its design elements, Unded integrates Material UI components. This not only elevates the aesthetics but also brings a touch of sophistication to your creative showcase.

View Demo View React Theme

Unded goes beyond the basics with a sticky header for improved navigation. Dynamic GSAP animations add a layer of interactivity, making your portfolio not just visually appealing but engaging.


Typography takes center stage in Unded, offering a range of stunning options for a visually compelling presentation. CSS3 animation effects contribute to a modern and captivating user experience.


Unded supports multimedia content with seamless YouTube video integration. With expandable options to choose from 600 Google Fonts, customization of typography is a breeze.

For developers, Unded provides a well-commented codebase, ensuring clarity and ease of customization. Comprehensive documentation guides you through the template's usage and customization.

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