WooKART-A fast, and SEO friendly front-end for WooCommerce


Next Generation Front-End for WooCommerce

Note This is the first iteration of the new WooNuxt built on Nuxt 3. It’s under active development and has a lot of features still to be added. You can use the old version of WooNuxt on the v2 branch which is more stable.



The goal of WooNuxt is to provide a modern, fast, and SEO friendly front-end for WooCommerce. It’s built on top of Nuxt 3 and uses the WPGraphQL API to retrieve all the data it needs. It’s also fully customizable and can be extended with your own components and modules. You can see a live demo of WooNuxt by clicking the button below.

👉 Live Demo of WooNuxt ⚡️


Get Started

  • Download the WooNuxt Settings plugin.
  • Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. This will install all the required plugins for WooNuxt, add some useful fields to the WPGraphQL schema, and automatically retrieve the WooCommerce payment gateway settings for Stripe and PayPal.
  • Once the plugin is activated your ready to deploy WooNuxt on a whatever hosting you like, or click one onf the fast deploy button below.
  • Once the plugin is activated the only required environment variable is GQL_HOST. Checkout the .env.example file for more details.




FeatureOngoing EnhancementsDoneIn ProgressIn the PipelineProformanance✅✅SEO✅Cart✅Search✅Shipping✅Checkout (Stripe, PayPay, Cash on Delivery)✅Filtering✅✅Wishlists✅Account✅Coupons✅Product Reviews✅Product Category Pages✅WooNuxt Settings Module✅Better Typescript Supp✅Mobile layout✅✅Countries & States Enums✅Cookie Popup & GDPR Compliance✅Progressive Web App (PWA)✅Queing System (for chcecking out when server is busy)✅Language Support (i18n)✅


Required WordPress Plugins

Plugin NameDescriptionLinkWPGraphQLA free, open-source plugin for WordPresshttps://www.wpgraphql.com/WooGraphQLGraphQL API for WooCommercehttps://woographql.com/WPGraphQL CorsEnable CORS for WPGraphQLhttps://github.com/funkhaus/wp-graphql-cors

Note The the WooNuxt Settings plugin will help you install all the required plugins.


Required Environment Variables

GQL_HOST – The URL of your WordPress site. This is the only required environment variable.


Tested up to:








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