Dynamic Cart Features: Crafting a React E-commerce App


SNKR-hub is a front-end project built using React, Redux Toolkit, and Tailwind CSS. It’s a Single Page Application (SPA) designed for a seamless shopping experience. Users can explore sneakers, add or remove items from the cart, adjust item quantities, and see real-time price updates. The project leverages Redux Toolkit for state management and has been deployed on Vercel.





  1. Single Page Application (SPA): SNKR-hub is designed as a SPA, providing users with a seamless shopping experience without the need for page reloads.
  2. Add & Remove Items from Cart: Users can easily add items to their shopping cart and remove them as needed.
  3. Increase/Decrease Quantity of Items: The application allows users to conveniently adjust the quantity of items in their cart.
  4. Dynamic Price Updates: The cart’s total price is automatically updated as items are added, removed, or their quantities are adjusted.
  5. State Management Using Redux Toolkit: Redux Toolkit is employed for efficient state management, ensuring a consistent and predictable application state.
  6. Deployed on Vercel: The project is hosted on Vercel, making it accessible online.


SNKR-hub consists of three main pages:

  1. Home Page: The landing page where users can explore featured sneakers and navigate to other sections.
  2. Explore Page: Users can browse the entire catalog of sneakers, view details, and add items to their cart.
  3. Cart Page: This page displays the items in the user’s shopping cart, allows them to adjust quantities, and proceed to checkout.

Installation and Usage

To run SNKR-hub on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/snkr-hub.git
cd snkr-hub
  1. Install Dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run the Development Server:
npm run dev
  1. Open in Your Browser: Visit http://localhost:3000 to explore SNKR-hub.

Technologies Used

SNKR-hub utilizes the following technologies:

  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • And other libraries and tools as required for the project.


SNKR-hub is deployed on Vercel, a popular platform for hosting web applications.


If you’d like to contribute to this project, please open an issue or create a pull request. We appreciate feedback and contributions from the community.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Enjoy using SNKR-hub, your ultimate destination for sneaker shopping! If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Happy shopping and coding! 🚀


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