Svelte Drawer Component: Minimalist and Unstyled

Vaul-Svelte is an unstyled drawer component for Svelte that can be used as a Dialog replacement on tablet and mobile devices. It uses Bits’ Dialog primitive under the hood and is inspired by this tweet.

This is a port of Vaul for React, which was created by Emil Kowalski.


To start using the library, install it in your project:

npm install vaul-svelte

Use the drawer in your app.

	import { Drawer } from 'vaul-svelte';

		<Drawer.Overlay />


Play around with the examples on StackBlitz:

API Reference


Contains all parts of a dialog. Use shouldScaleBackground to enable background scaling, it requires an element with [data-vaul-drawer-wrapper] data attribute to scale its background. Can be controlled by binding to the open prop, or using theonOpenChange prop.

Additional props:

closeThreshold: Number between 0 and 1 that determines when the drawer should be closed. Example: threshold of 0.5 would close the drawer if the user swiped for 50% of the height of the drawer or more.

scrollLockTimeout: Duration for which the drawer is not draggable after scrolling content inside of the drawer. Defaults to 500ms

snapPoints: Array of numbers from 0 to 100 that corresponds to % of the screen a given snap point should take up. Should go from least visible. Example [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]. You can also use px values, which doesn’t take screen height into account.

fadeFromIndex: Index of a snapPoint from which the overlay fade should be applied. Defaults to the last snap point.


The button that opens the dialog. Props.


Content that should be rendered in the drawer. Props.


A layer that covers the inert portion of the view when the dialog is open. Props.


An accessible title to be announced when the dialog is opened. Props.


An optional accessible description to be announced when the dialog is opened. Props.


The button that closes the dialog. Props.


Portals your drawer into the body.


View Github

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