Revolutionizing Pilgrimage Safety: Ayyan App Launched by Leopard Tech Labs in Collaboration with Kerala Forest Department

Pampa, Kerala, November 9, 2023 - In a groundbreaking ceremony held at Pampa, the Honourable Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Shri. A K Saseendran, unveiled the Ayyan App, a cutting-edge initiative developed by Leopard Tech Labs Pvt Ltd in partnership with the Kerala Forest Department and Periyar Tiger Reserve. The app, designed to assist Sabarimala pilgrims, promises to revolutionize the pilgrimage experience by integrating real-time technology and environmental conservation efforts.

The launch event witnessed the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including the Additional Chief Secretary of Kerala, Collectors of Idukki and Pathanamthitta, MLAs of Peerumedu and Ranni, Head of the Department, Chief Wildlife Warden, and other officials from the Kerala Forest Department. Their collective support underscores the collaborative efforts to ensure the safety, convenience, and spiritual fulfillment of millions of devotees undertaking the sacred journey to Sabarimala.

The Ayyan App boasts features such as live route tracking, emergency assistance, important updates on weather and traffic conditions, and virtual queue management, offering pilgrims a seamless and secure journey. This initiative not only reflects Leopard Tech Labs' technical prowess but also the commitment of the Forest Department to embrace innovation for the greater good.

Leopard Tech Labs expresses gratitude for the unwavering support from the Kerala Forest Department and all stakeholders involved in making the Ayyan App a reality. The app marks a significant milestone in the intersection of technology and environmental stewardship, ensuring the preservation of the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region.

Google Play Store Link : (Ayyan App Link)

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Leopard Tech Labs Pvt Ltd


About Leopard Tech Labs Pvt Ltd:

Leopard Tech Labs is a leading technology company committed to developing innovative solutions that address real-world challenges. With a focus on sustainability and social impact, the company collaborates with government agencies and organizations to create transformative solutions that make a positive difference in society.

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