Unveiling the Pristine Beauty of Kakkayam, Kerala, India


Kakkayam, often referred to as the "Queen of Calicut district" in the state of Kerala, is renowned for its majestic allure. The dam reservoir and the abundant greenery surrounding it enhance the natural beauty of this place. From November to April, a multitude of visitors flock to this destination, captivated by the breathtaking sights of the lush green forests and the flowing fresh water, creating a truly spectacular experience.

Nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Kerala, India, lies the serene and captivating destination of Kakkayam. Tucked away in the Western Ghats, Kakkayam beckons travelers with its untouched natural beauty, glistening waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. In this blog post, we will embark on a virtual journey to explore the hidden gem that is Kakkayam, unraveling its picturesque charm, adventurous offerings, and the tranquility it provides to all who visit.

Enchanting Waterfalls:

Kakkayam is known for its enchanting waterfalls that cascade down the lush green hills, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The Kakkayam Dam, nestled amidst scenic surroundings, serves as the gateway to this paradise. As you traverse the winding roads, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of cascading waterfalls such as Kozhippara and Urakkuzhi. These cascades offer a serene ambiance, providing the perfect spot for a rejuvenating dip or a tranquil picnic amidst nature's splendor.

Wildlife Encounters:

For wildlife enthusiasts, Kakkayam is a haven waiting to be explored. The region is home to a rich biodiversity, including various species of animals and birds. Embark on a thrilling trek through the dense forests, where you may spot majestic creatures like the Malabar giant squirrel, sambar deer, and even the elusive leopard. Birdwatchers will delight in the opportunity to witness rare and endemic bird species, making Kakkayam a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife photographers.

Trekking and Adventure:

Kakkayam offers an array of adventurous activities that will get your adrenaline pumping. Trekking trails meander through the rugged terrains, leading to panoramic viewpoints and hidden gems. The Cholakkallu-Muthappanpuzha trail is a popular choice, offering a challenging yet rewarding trekking experience. As you ascend, you will witness the breathtaking vistas of the surrounding valleys and forests, making every step worth the effort. Kakkayam also provides opportunities for rock climbing, rappelling, and camping, catering to the thrill-seekers among us.

Boating and Kayaking:

The Kakkayam reservoir is a picturesque spot where visitors can indulge in boating and kayaking adventures. Rent a boat and glide along the calm waters, surrounded by lush greenery and the sounds of nature. The reservoir's serene atmosphere creates a perfect setting for a peaceful and serene boating experience. Kayaking enthusiasts can navigate the meandering waterways, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of Kakkayam's natural beauty.

Tranquility in Nature's Lap:

Kakkayam's serene and untouched surroundings offer an escape from the chaos of everyday life. The peaceful ambiance, coupled with the soothing sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, creates an ideal environment for relaxation and rejuvenation. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Kakkayam, whether it's through nature walks, meditation, or simply unwinding amidst the captivating landscapes. Let the serene atmosphere of Kakkayam rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.


  • Best time to visit : April to November.
  • Without permission from forest department,visiting is prohibited.
  • Please avoid cameras while your journey.
  • Don't try to throw wastes to there.


Kakkayam, with its enchanting waterfalls, abundant wildlife, adventurous offerings, and tranquil surroundings, is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered in Kerala, India. This captivating destination offers a perfect blend of nature's beauty and thrilling experiences for all types of travelers. Plan your visit to Kakkayam and immerse yourself in its pristine landscapes, indulge in exciting adventures, and find solace in its tranquil ambiance. A journey to Kakkayam promises memories that will last a lifetime, leaving you yearning to return to its serene embrace.

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