Kolukkumalai: A Journey to the Highest Tea Plantation in the World


Perched atop the towering peaks of the Western Ghats in Kerala, India, lies a hidden gem known as Kolukkumalai. This breathtaking destination boasts the distinction of being the highest tea plantation in the world, offering a unique and awe-inspiring experience to all who visit. In this blog post, we embark on a virtual journey to Kolukkumalai, uncovering its fascinating history, stunning landscapes, aromatic tea gardens, and the enchanting adventures it has in store for us.

A Historical Perspective:

Kolukkumalai holds a rich historical legacy that dates back over a century. Established in the 1900s, it has been a pioneer in the tea industry, known for its production of exquisite and flavorful tea. Exploring the heritage of the plantation provides insights into the toil and dedication of generations of tea growers, preserving the time-honored traditions that have made Kolukkumalai a renowned name in the global tea market.

Majestic Landscapes and Panoramic Views:

Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring landscapes that unfold as you ascend to Kolukkumalai. The journey to this remote destination is an adventure in itself, characterized by winding roads, steep gradients, and breathtaking vistas. Once you reach the summit, you will be rewarded with panoramic views of mist-covered mountains, verdant valleys, and the vast expanse of tea plantations that extend as far as the eye can see. The sight of the morning sun breaking through the clouds and illuminating the rolling hills is a sight to behold and a photographer's dream.

Tea Tasting and Plantation Tours:

Kolukkumalai offers visitors a unique opportunity to witness the entire tea production process, from plucking the leaves to the final cup. Take a guided tour through the tea estate, where experienced tea experts will enlighten you about the various tea varieties, their characteristics, and the meticulous craftsmanship involved in their cultivation and processing. Engage your senses as you savor a cup of freshly brewed tea, relishing the distinct flavors and aromas that are a testament to the unparalleled quality of Kolukkumalai tea.

Sunrise at the Kolukkumalai Peak:

One of the most unforgettable experiences in Kolukkumalai is witnessing the sunrise from its majestic peak. Wake up early and make your way to the summit, where the morning mist blankets the surroundings. As the first rays of sunlight emerge, the entire landscape comes alive with a golden hue, casting an ethereal glow over the tea plantations and creating a breathtaking spectacle. This magical sunrise is a sight that will forever be etched in your memory.

Trekking and Nature Trails:

For adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers, Kolukkumalai offers an array of trekking and nature trail options. Embark on a journey through the rugged terrains, exploring the dense forests and encountering exotic flora and fauna along the way. The Kolukkumalai to Meesapulimala trek is particularly popular, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience as you traverse the pristine wilderness and witness panoramic views of the Western Ghats.

Camping under the Starlit Sky:

To truly immerse yourself in the serenity of Kolukkumalai, consider spending a night camping amidst nature. Set up your tent in a designated camping area, surrounded by the tranquil ambiance of the tea gardens and the distant sounds of wildlife. As night falls, gaze up at the starlit sky, undisturbed by city lights, and allow the peacefulness of the surroundings to envelop you, creating a truly magical experience.


  • 32 Kilometers from Munnar.
  • Don't try to pick tea leaves.
  • Take a pack of salt and a gas lighter along with you.
  • It may help you to prevent leech bite.
  • Private vehicles not allowed to plantations.
  • Special permission needed to enter the plantations.
  • Jeep rate : 1800 INR /trip.

Certainly! Here are some interesting facts about Kolukkumalai:

Highest Tea Plantation: Kolukkumalai holds the distinction of being the highest tea plantation in the world, situated at an elevation of approximately 7,900 feet (2,400 meters) above sea level.

Location: Kolukkumalai is located in the Indian state of Kerala, near the town of Munnar. It is nestled within the Western Ghats, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its biodiversity.

Heritage: The tea estate in Kolukkumalai dates back to the early 1900s and has a rich historical legacy in the tea industry. It has upheld traditional tea production methods and techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Specialty Tea: Kolukkumalai is known for producing high-quality specialty teas, particularly orthodox teas. The unique climate, altitude, and soil conditions contribute to the distinct flavors and aromas of the teas produced here.

Panoramic Views: The breathtaking vistas from Kolukkumalai offer panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and sprawling tea plantations. The sunrise from Kolukkumalai is particularly mesmerizing, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

Adventurous Journey: The road leading to Kolukkumalai is renowned for its steep gradients, hairpin bends, and challenging terrain. It is a thrilling and scenic journey for visitors, providing an adventurous experience.

Tea Tasting and Tours: Visitors to Kolukkumalai can take guided tours of the tea estate, gaining insights into the tea production process. Tea tasting sessions allow visitors to savor the exquisite flavors and unique characteristics of the teas produced here.

Trekking and Nature Trails: The region surrounding Kolukkumalai offers excellent opportunities for trekking and nature trails. Popular treks include the Kolukkumalai to Meesapulimala trek, which takes you through pristine forests and offers stunning views of the Western Ghats.

Camping and Stargazing: Camping enthusiasts can enjoy the serene ambiance of Kolukkumalai by spending a night under the starlit sky. Away from city lights, the clear skies provide an ideal setting for stargazing and connecting with nature.

Sustainable Practices: Kolukkumalai emphasizes sustainable and eco-friendly practices in tea cultivation. The estate promotes organic farming methods and strives to maintain the natural biodiversity of the region.

Kolukkumalai's unique blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and tea production excellence make it a must-visit destination for tea enthusiasts, nature lovers, and adventure seekers alike.


Kolukkumalai, the highest tea plantation in the world, offers a blend of history, stunning landscapes, aromatic teas, and enchanting adventures. From its rich heritage to the panoramic views from its peaks, every aspect of this destination leaves visitors in awe. Experience the joy of tea tasting, witness breathtaking sunrises, embark on thrilling treks, and indulge in the tranquility of camping amidst nature. A journey to Kolukkumalai is a unique and unforgettable experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the artistry and beauty of tea cultivation in the lap of the majestic Western Ghats.

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